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Magnesium and Menopause: when estrogen levels drop is there a greater need for magnesium?

Magnesium and Menopause: when estrogen levels drop is there a greater need for magnesium?


Video Transcript:

Hello everyone. Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Meaghan Esser with ITL Health. We had somebody write in with a question that they would like addressed on this channel. And it was: Magnesium and Menopause when estrogen levels drop is there a greater need for magnesium?

Now, it really depends on the individual. Some menopausal women could have worse magnesium deficiency than non-menopausal women and vice versa. So, we can't just generalize that menopause means you need magnesium. However, during menopause, estrogen levels drop, which induces a range of symptoms, a big one being bone loss or osteoporosis.

So, these drops in estrogen cause an increase in something called osteo class activity, which causes the bone loss. So, magnesium directly helps with bone matrix calcification, and it also indirectly helps through activating vitamin D in the body and the parathyroid hormone, which supports bone health. So, again, just because your estrogen levels are dropping, doesn't necessarily mean you need magnesium.

However, magnesium and its cofactors are very beneficial to help support the hormones and other processes that are going on, especially during something like menopause. This is partly why we created our supplement MAG365 BF, the BF stands for bone formula. But our research showed that people actually didn't need as much calcium as they were led to. For years, we were told calcium is needed for bone strength.

 And while that's true because our bones do need calcium, we actually don't tend to be super deficient in calcium because our food supply still has good amounts, and our bodies tend to store and recycled calcium. However, some of calcium cofactors, which are nutrients that work synergistically together with it are a little bit harder to get, such as magnesium, and vitamin D, vitamin K2 and boron. 

So, these nutrients are needed to help direct calcium to the bones and teeth where it belongs. So, for years, people were taking calcium, they weren't having stronger bones. But we started to see an increase of heart disease, kidney stones, and other related problems that happen when we have calcium buildup in the body.

 So, what we really need for proper bone health is to direct calcium into the right places and stop it from building up in the arteries, in the joints, in the brain, and in the kidneys because those all lead to negative symptoms. Now if you do think that you still need calcium, or your doctor really feels you should be on it.

 This is the exact same supplement but with added calcium, so you still have all the cofactors that put the calcium into the right spot, but you'll also get a little bit of extra calcium. So, again, when you're hitting menopause, make sure that you support your body to help with any symptoms that come and magnesium is responsible for a thousand enzymatic processes in the body, many of which relate to menopause.

 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel. We love it when people write in. Thank you very much for the question. Don't hesitate to reach out with more. If you would like to purchase any of these supplements you can check your local health food store or look at the links below to order directly online and to find out how to contact us. Thanks so much for listening.

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