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How Long Before Bed Should I Take Magnesium?

How Long Before Bed Should I Take Magnesium?

Video Transcript: 

Hello everybody! Meaghan Esser, Registered Holistic Nutritionist with ITL Health. Since magnesium is such a great supplement for sleep, we’re often asked, how long before bed should I take magnesium? It seems like a simple answer, but it is a little bit complicated. In general, we would recommend one to two hours before bed. However, everybody is different, and you need to find what works for you.

We have heard people say they need to take it right before bed in order to get the best sleep. Some people are happy taking it one to two hours before bed and some people like to take it in the morning. Magnesium is a really interesting mineral because it's responsible for about 1,000 biochemical processes in our bodies. One of those processes is ATP energy production in the cells. So, magnesium actually gives you energy.

Another process that it's responsible for is relaxing our nervous system and helping it to function better and relaxing our muscles. Because of that magnesium can help us sleep. People sometimes get confused. Magnesium will not make you drowsy, but it will work on the body process that you really need. Some people find taking magnesium before bed actually gives them energy. With those people, we would recommend they take their magnesium in the morning so they can utilize that energy.

Other people who have a lot of trouble sleeping, it's better for them to take their magnesium before bed. So, we encourage you to experiment with your magnesium and try it one to two hours before bed. Try it right before bed, see if it makes a difference for you. The bottom line is that magnesium will do a lot for your body. And it really just depends on an individual level at what time you might need it in the day.

 PrizMAG Magnesium Bisglycinate won best sleep aid in Ireland by Reader's Choice in Rude Health Magazine. This supplement is amazing for sleep, four capsules before bed, and you sleep soundly, you're not as restless you wake up feeling more refreshed, we highly recommend you try this one is fully guaranteed. If you don't notice a difference, we will give you your money back. MAG365 is also great for sleep. We have had countless testimonials that it helps people sleep better. So many people will take a cup of this before bed or as their evening tea to aid in their sleep.

If you would like to purchase any of these supplements, check your local health food store, or you can order from us directly online at this link, or if you prefer to check out other online retailers head over to this link. Thanks for listening.

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