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Does magnesium help stress?

Does magnesium help stress?

Video Transcript:

Hello, everybody. Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Meaghan Esser with ITL Health. Does magnesium help stress? This is a really common and important question that we get because a lot of people are facing high amounts of stress in their lives and they need some help. And the great answer is that, yes, magnesium is great for stress. There have been a lot of studies shown that magnesium may help reduce the stress response and support the systems in our body that handle stress.

And in fact, in 2017 there was a University of Leeds review done that cited 18 studies that linked improved anxiety symptoms with magnesium supplementation. So, there's a lot that goes on in the body when we feel stressed, when we perceive stress. And a big thing that happens with magnesium is that when we're stressed, we lose more magnesium. We need more magnesium to deal with that stress so we use more. And we also lose more when we're stressed through urinary extraction through the kidneys.

So not only are we kind of losing magnesium when we're stressed, we're also using more magnesium when we're stressed. And then the bad news is that when we don't have enough magnesium, our threshold for handling stress is lower. So, as this vicious cycle of using more magnesium and then not quite being able to manage the stress that we have because we don't have enough magnesium. It's this cycle that can only really be broken when we get our magnesium levels up.

And the easiest and fastest way to do that is through a well-absorbed magnesium supplement. Magnesium is also very important in supporting the whole adrenal thyroid system and it helps produce and it helps release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. And if you don't have enough magnesium and these hormones aren't getting released and produced in the right amounts, then again, your ability to handle stress gets greatly reduced and you get in this vicious cycle. It starts to affect your sleep because more sleep problems have to do with stress as well.

So bottom line, a well-absorbed magnesium supplement is essential for stress, and it's one of the only ways to break the stress cycle quickly and effectively. And make sure that you don't get into a magnesium deficiency cycle at the same time. Some people might have a time where they reduce stressors in their life, but they're still left with depleted magnesium. So, when you've been really stressed, you really have to raise that magnesium.

We have our PrizMAG Magnesium Bisglycinate Capsules and our MAG365 Ionic Magnesium Citrate Powder. Both of these are really well absorbed and we have a lot of testimonials about how these have helped people stress and sleep better. If you want to order or purchase any of these, check out your local health food store or you can order online through the links below directly from us or other online retailers. Thank you so much for listening. Don't hesitate to write in with any questions you have. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel. Thanks, and have a great day.

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